
so feel like an island.

A fortress fortified with

defenses unpenetrable–as if

I was ‘proud’ of my


I have always been a

defender as opposed to

an aggressor–

peaceable mostly.  Impatient

and irritable & demanding

even, sometimes.

Yet for all that, I remain

alone–distant at an

extended arm’s length

from almost everyone.

It’s so painful to communicate

on an intimate level–I am

so easily hurt–it’s really not

fair–I can be ‘tough’ but then

I’m not vulnerable and tend

to be ‘bossy’ to exert my

authority or dominance

when I sometimes do so.

I’m glad I’m ‘smart’ but

sad I’m sad & sensitive

sometimes it seems such

a hardship.


Small fir tree growing next to Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) Sequoia National Park, California

Photography © Dennis Frates Photography

Categories: creative writing, friends, openness, Poetry, risk, Uncategorized, visibility | Leave a comment

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